Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moi Chocolat 39 - January Collection

Moi product as a hantaran from Normala to Azlan & the typewriter (Media Hiburan Jan'11)
Moi product as a hantaran from Normala to Azlan & the typewriter (Media Hiburan Jan'11)
1,000 boxes ordered by Kak Laily for her daughter, Khairin on her reception at Felda Villa

Final packaging for 2chocos in box
2chocos in box for Khairin
200 lollies prepared for Khairin
Assorted lollies for Khairin's wedding
Yana holding 'Iwan' (photo credit from Yana album)
Lollies arranged by Yana as a hantaran (photo credit from Yana album)
Lollies prepared for Yana's engagement. 1st product for 2011.